Week 4 Day 2 Dinner
25m 730 - 830 kcal.

Grilled Steak Medallions with Asparagus


170 g beef medallions
½ cup mushrooms, chopped
¾ bunch asparagus
3 tbsp coconut oil
1 ½ tbsp onion
2 pinch salt
1 ½ tsp ginger
1 ½ tsp parsley
3 cherry tomatoes, halved
*All purple -colored products are essential.


1 step

Rub the steaks with salt and black pepper.

2 step

In a large skillet heat coconut oil over medium high heat.

3 step

Cook for about 2-3 minutes on each side for a medium rare level. Cook for longer if you prefer your steak medium or well done.

4 step

Remove the meat from the pan. Grease with coconut oil and add the onion.

5 step

Add the asparagus, mushrooms and stir well.

6 step

Add cherry tomatoes.

7 step

Season with parsley and ginger. Stir well and cook until veggies are tender.

8 step

Serve meat with the veggies and enjoy!
