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Our Diet Recommendations

Your Guide to Nutritional Success: Essentials, Timing, and Tailored Choices

Height ()

It may look excessive to you but it has been scientifically proven that water consumption should be this quantity.

Water intake

L your recommended water intake
Based on WHO the typycal daily water loss is between 2.5 and 3 L, and 0.7 L of water daily is supplied through food.

Lose weight body parts help message

Body change estimates

7% Neck
12% Arms
42% Waist
23% Sides
16% Thighs
Based on other users' success with the same metabolic type

People similar to you have reached the desired results in less then 4 weeks

Body Mass Index (BMI) is an established measure utilized by physicians and health experts to determine weight status (i.e. underweight, overweight or within a healthy weight range).

Your current BMI

Underweight Normal Overweight Obesity type | Obesity type || Obesity type |||
Based on the WHO, recommended BMI is 22.5 to be within a healthy range

The metabolic age is an indicator for the age of your body. If it is higher than your actual age, your metabolism is slower than it should be. In this case you need to go on a calorie-restricting meal plan and increase your level of physical activity in order to increase your physiological processes. If your metabolic age is lower or equal to your actual age, your body feels well and you should keep up the good work.

Metabolic Age

The metabolic age is an indicator for the age of your body
Your Metabolic Age
Your actual age

Calories are within a recommended range of +/-100 as it is practically impossible to track them exactly. While following a calorie-restricted meal plan, the calories you consume must not fall below this value. Your daily calories are calculated based on your target weight, your current measurements, your physical activity and your lifestyle.

Daily Calories

2350 -2450Cal

My weight help box message

My weight

Achievable weight by the end of the first 4 weeks
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You can feel confident that YourKeto Meal Plan will get you where you want to be.
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